Graduate Program (M.Sc in CSE)
- Academic Calendar
- Available MSCSE Tracks
- Course Description
- Miscellaneous Courses
- MSCSE Major (Data Science)
- MSCSE Major (Cyber Security)
- MSCSE Major (Network and Communication Engineering)
- MSCSE Major (Software Engineering)
- MSCSE Major (Intelligent Computing)
- MSCSE Major (Business Intelligence)
- MSCSE (Health Informatics)
- Program Requirement
- Upcoming Trimester Info
- Upcoming Invited Talk
MSCSE (Health Informatics)
Students of this track must complete all the required prerequisite courses of existing MSCSE, UIU. Foundations of Health Informatics (CSE 5033), Basics of Biostatistics (CSE 5035), and Human Health and Diseases (CSE 5037) prerequisite courses are required for this track additionally. MSCSE admission committee will decide regarding the required prerequisite courses needed for each candidate. A pre-requisite course may be waived if that course or essentially the same course has been completed by the student at Undergraduate/Diploma/PGD level from a recognized institute, but the decision of waiver depends on the admission/equivalence committee.
Prerequisite Courses for Health Informatics Track:
Serial | Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hour |
1 | CSE 5001 | Object Oriented Programming | 3.0 |
2 | CSE 5005 | Database Management Systems | 3.0 |
3 | CSE 5013 | System Analysis and Design | 3.0 |
4 | CSE 5019 | Structured Programming Language | 3.0 |
5 | CSE 5029 | Computer Networks | 3.0 |
6 | CSE 5031 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 3.0 |
Additional Prerequisite Courses for Health Informatics Track:
Serial | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hour |
1 | CSE 5033 | Foundations of Health Informatics | 3.0 |
2 | CSE 5035 | Basics of Biostatistics | 3.0 |
3 | CSE 5037 | Human Health and Diseases | 3.0 |
Mandatory Courses for Health Informatics Track:
Serial | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hour |
1 | CSE 6255 | Biomedical Engineering | 3.0 |
2 | CSE 6307 | Clinical and Health Information Systems | 3.0 |
3 | CSE 6221 | Decision Support System | 3.0 |
Note: MSCSE (Major Health Informatics) students must complete these three mandatory courses.
Optional Courses for Health Informatics Track:
Serial | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hour |
1 | CSE 6207 | Data Analytics | 3.0 |
2 | CSE 6265 | Connected Health | 3.0 |
3 | CSE 6267 | Health Informatics Standards and Terminologies | 3.0 |
4 | CSE 6269 | Hospital Management System | 3.0 |
5 | CSE 6271 | Ethical Issues in Health Informatics | 3.0 |
6 | CSE 6011 | Data Mining | 3.0 |
7 | CSE 6027 | Image Processing | 3.0 |
8 | CSE 6277 | Security, Privacy and Regulations for Healthcare | 3.0 |
9 | CSE 6213 | Natural Language Processing | 3.0 |
10 | CSE 6281 | Consumer Health Informatics | 3.0 |
11 | CSE 6283 | Scientific and Clinical Data Management | 3.0 |
12 | CSE 6285 | Human Factors Engineering for Health Informatics | 3.0 |
13 | CSE 6287 | Health Information Exchange | 3.0 |
14 | CSE 6289 | Applied Statistical Methods for Biomedical Informatics | 3.0 |
15 | CSE 6291 | e-Health Record System | 3.0 |
16 | CSE 6293 | Business of Health Informatics | 3.0 |
17 | CSE 6295 | Healthcare Services Local and Global Perspectives | 3.0 |
18 | CSE 6297 | Public Health | 3.0 |
19 | CSE 6309 | Telehealth and mHealth | 3.0 |
20 | CSE 6253 | Human Computer Interaction | 3.0 |
21 | CSE 6153 | Bio-informatics and Computational Biology | 3.0 |
22 | CSE 6209 | Genomic Big Data | 3.0 |
23 | CSE 6145 | Cloud Computing | 3.0 |
24 | CSE 6001 | Advanced Database Systems | 3.0 |
25 | CSE 6235 | Requirements Engineering | 3.0 |
26 | CSE 6085 | Project Management | 3.0 |
27 | CSE 6081 | Telecommunication Engineering | 3.0 |
28 | CSE 6023 | Machine Learning | 3.0 |
29 | CSE 6197 | Internet of Things (IoT) | 3.0 |
30 | CSE 6305 | Wireless Body Area Network | 3.0 |