BSCSE Curriculum

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering primarily involves the study of a number of core courses which every CSE graduate should know and a significant number of courses from specialized areas. Core courses build the foundation and specialized courses prepare the students for the specific areas of Computer Science and Engineering. To understand the underpinning theory of the courses of Computer Science and Engineering, a number of courses on Mathematics and Basic Science have been felt mandatory to include in the syllabus. In addition some social science, management, accounting, economics and communication-skills development related courses have been incorporated to make the syllabus a balanced and reasonably complete one. The objective of the undergraduate program in Computer Science and Engineering is to develop skilled and competent graduates to meet the current and future needs at home and abroad.

Admission Requirements

Every applicant, without any exception, must fulfill the admission requirements as laid down by the university. Admission test and interview for admission into a trimester will be held as decided by the university.

A higher secondary certificate or its equivalent in science with mathematics and physics or other fields of study is the basic educational requirement.

Degree Requirements

The B.Sc. in CSE degree requirements will be as follows:

  • Completion of 137.0 credit hours
  • Completion of the final year design project with at least a `C’ grade
  • Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.0

A specialization will be declared in one of the following areas if at least three courses are completed from the elective courses: theory, communication, hardware, systems, software, data science and ICT.

List of Courses

(A) Language (6 credits)
1ENG 1011Intensive English I3.0
2ENG 1013Intensive English II3.0
(B) General Education (14 credits)
Compulsory (8 credits)
1SOC 2101Society, Environment and Engineering Ethics3.0
2PMG 4101Project Management3.0
3BDS 1201History of the Emergence of Bangladesh2.0
Optional (Any two: 6 credits)
1ECO 4101Economics3.0
2SOC 4101Introduction to Sociology3.0
3ACT 2111Financial and Managerial Accounting3.0
4IPE 3401Industrial and Operational Management3.0
5TEC 2499Technology Entrepreneurship3.0
6PSY 2101Psychology3.0
7BDS 2201Bangladesh Studies3.0
8BAN 2501Bangla3.0
(C) Basic Sciences (7 credits)
1PHY 2105Physics3.0
2PHY 2106Physics Laboratory1.0
3BIO 3105Biology for Engineers3.0
(D) Mathematics (12 credits)
1MATH 1151Fundamental Calculus3.0
2MATH 2183Calculus and Linear Algebra3.0
3MATH 2201Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis3.0
4MATH 2205Probability and Statistics3.0
(E) Other Engineering (10 credits)
1EEE 2113Electrical Circuits3.0
2EEE 2123Electronics3.0
3EEE 2124Electronics Laboratory1.0
4EEE 4261Green Computing3.0

(F) Core Courses (65 credits) 

List of Courses

Programming Compulsory (10 credits)
1CSE 1110Introduction to Computer Systems1.0
2CSE 1111Structured Programming Language3.0
3CSE 1112Structured Programming Language Laboratory1.0
4CSE 1115Object Oriented Programming3.0
5CSE 1116Object Oriented Programming Laboratory1.0
6CSE 2118Advanced Object Oriented Programming Lab1.0
Programming Optional (Any one: 3 credits)
1CSE 4165Web Programming3.0
2CSE 4181Mobile Application Development3.0
Hardware (11 credits)
1CSE 1325Digital Logic Design3.0
2CSE 1326Digital Logic Design Laboratory1.0
3CSE 3313Computer Architecture3.0
4CSE 4325Microprocessors and Microcontrollers3.0
5CSE 4326Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory1.0
Logics and Algorithms (14 credits)
1CSE 2213Discrete Mathematics3.0
2CSE 2215Data Structure and Algorithms I3.0
3CSE 2216Data Structure and Algorithms I Laboratory1.0
4CSE 2217Data Structure and Algorithms II3.0
5CSE 2218Data Structure and Algorithms II Laboratory1.0
6CSE 2233Theory of Computation3.0
Software Engineering (8 credits)
1CSE 3411System Analysis and Design3.0
2CSE 3412System Analysis and Design Laboratory1.0
3CSE 3421Software Engineering3.0
4CSE 3422Software Engineering Laboratory1.0
Systems (19 credits)
1CSE 4531Computer Security3.0
2CSE 3521Database Management Systems3.0
3CSE 3522Database Management Systems Laboratory1.0
4CSE 4509Operating Systems3.0
5CSE 4510Operating Systems Laboratory1.0
6CSE 3711Computer Networks3.0
7CSE 3712Computer Networks Laboratory1.0
8CSE 3811Artificial Intelligence3.0
9CSE 3812Artificial Intelligence Laboratory1.0
(G) (Any 5: 15 credits) at least 3 courses have to be completed from 1 area
Computational Theory
1CSE 4601Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science3.0
2CSE 4633Basic Graph Theory3.0
3CSE 4655Algorithm Engineering3.0
4CSE 4611Compiler Design3.0
5CSE 4613Computational Geometry3.0
6CSE 4621Computer Graphics3.0
Network and Communications
1CSE 3715Data Communication3.0
2CSE 4759Wireless and Cellular Communication3.0
3CSE 4793Advanced Network Services and Management3.0
4CSE 4783Cryptography3.0
5CSE 4777Networks Security3.0
6CSE 4763Electronic Business3.0
1CSE 4547Multimedia Systems Design3.0
2CSE 4519Distributed Systems3.0
3CSE 4523Simulation and Modeling3.0
4CSE 4521Computer Graphics3.0
5CSE 4587Cloud Computing3.0
6CSE 4567Advanced Database Management Systems3.0
Data Science
1CSE 4889Machine Learning3.0
2CSE 4891Data Mining3.0
3CSE 4893Introduction to Bioinformatics3.0
4CSE 4883Digital Image Processing3.0
5CSE 4817Big Data Analytics3.0
Software Engineering
1CSE 4451Human Computer Interaction3.0
2CSE 4435Software Architecture3.0
3CSE 4165Web Programming3.0
4CSE 4181Mobile Application Development3.0
5CSE 4495Software Testing and Quality Assurance3.0
6CSE 4485Game Design and Development3.0
1CSE 4329Digital System Design3.0
2CSE 4379Real-time Embedded Systems3.0
3CSE 4327VLSI Design3.0
4CSE 4337Robotics3.0
5CSE 4397Interfacing3.0
Information and Communication Technology
1CSE 4941Enterprise Systems: Concepts and Practice3.0
2CSE 4943Web Application Security3.0
3CSE 4463Electronic Business3.0
4CSE 4165Web Programming3.0
5CSE 4181Mobile Application Development3.0
6CSE 4945UI: Concepts and Design3.0
7CSE 4949IT Audit: Concepts and Practice3.0
8CSE 4587Cloud Computing3.0
9CSE 4495Software Testing and Quality Assurance3.0
(H) University required courses (2 credits)
1URC 1103Life Skills for Success2.0
(I) Final Year Design Project (6 credits)
1CSE 4000AFinal Year Design Project – I2.0
2CSE 4000BFinal Year Design Project – II2.0
3CSE 4000BFinal Year Design Project – II2.0

Summary of Courses (From 211 to Onwards)

SL#Group/Type of CoursesNo of CoursesTotal CoursesCredit hoursTotal              Credit hours
2General Education40_____4120_____12
3Basic Sciences21_____361_____7
5Other Engineering31_____491_____10
6Core Courses1714_____315114_____65
7Elective Courses50_____5150_____15
8University Required Courses20_____240_____4
9Final Year Design Project__________11066

Course Equivalence

Old CourseNew Course
Course CodeCourse TitleCr.Course CodeCourse TitleCr.
PHY 105Physics3.0PHY 2105Physics3.0
PHY 106Physics Laboratory1.0PHY 2106Physics Laboratory1.0
SOC 101Society, Technology and
Engineering Ethics
3.0SOC 2101Society,  Environment  and Engineering Ethics3.0
ACT 111Financial Accounting3.0ACT 2111Financial  and  Managerial Accounting3.0
ECO 213Economics3.0ECO 4101Economics3.0
IPE 401Industrial Management3.0IPE 3401Industrial and Operational Management3.0
PSY 101Psychology3.0PSY 2101Psychology3.0
SOC 103Sociology3.0SOC 4101Introduction to Sociology3.0
ENG 005Spoken English3.0
Course CodeCourse TitleCr.Course CodeCourse TitleCr.
ENG 101English I3.0ENG 1011Intensive English I3.0
ENG 103English II3.0ENG 1013Intensive English II3.0
MATH 003Elementary Calculus3.0
MATH 151Diferential  and  Integral Calculus3.0MATH 1151Fundamental Calculus3.0
MATH 183Linear Algebra, Ordinary & Partial Differential Equation3.0MATH 2181Calculus and Linear Algebra3.0
MATH 187Fourier and Laplace Transformations and Complex Variables3.0
MATH 201Coordinate geometry and Vector Analysis3.0MATH 2201Coordinate geometry and Vector Analysis3.0
STAT 205Probability and Statistics3.0MATH 2205Probability and Statistics3.0
CSI 121Structured Programming Language3.0CSE 1111Structured Programming Language3.0
CSI 122Structured Programming Language Laboratory1.0CSE 1112Structured Programming Language Laboratory1.0
CSI 211Object-Oriented  Programming3.0CSE 1115Object-Oriented  Programming3.0
CSI 212Object-Oriented  Programming Laboratory1.0CSE 1116Object-Oriented  Programming Laboratory1.0
CSI 217Data Structure3.0CSE 2215Data Structure and Algorithms I3.0
CSI 218Data Structure Laboratory1.0CSE 2216Data Structure and Algorithms I Laboratory1.0
CSI 219Discrete Mathematics3.0CSE 2213Discrete Mathematics3.0
CSI 21Database Management Systems3.0CSE 3521Database Management Systems3.0
CSI 222Database Management Systems Laboratory1.0CSE 3522Database Management Systems Laboratory1.0
CSI 227Algorithms3.0CSE 2217Data Structure and Algorithms II3.0
CSI 228Algorithms Laboratory1.0CSE 2218Data Structure and Algorithms II Laboratory1.0
CSI 233Theory of Computing3.0CSE 2233Theory of Computing3.0
CSI 309Operating System Concepts3.0CSE 4509Operating System Concepts3.0
CSI 310Operating System Concepts Laboratory1.0CSE 4510Operating System Concepts Laboratory1.0
CSI 311System Analysis and Design3.0CSE 3411System Analysis and Design3.0
CSI 312System Analysis and Design Laboratory1.0CSE 3412System Analysis and Design Laboratory1.0
CSI 321Software Engineering3.0CSE 3421Software Engineering3.0
CSI 322Software Engineering Laboratory1.0CSE 3422Software Engineering Laboratory1.0
CSI 341Artificial Intelligence3.0CSE 3841Artificial Intelligence3.0
CSI 342Artificial Intelligence Laboratory1.0CSE 3842Artificial Intelligence Laboratory1.0
CSI 411Compiler3.0CSE 4611Compiler Design3.0
CSI 412Compiler Laboratory1.0
CSI 421Computer Graphics3.0CSE 4621Computer Graphics3.0
CSI 422Computer Graphics Laboratory1.0
CSI 423Simulation & Modeling3.0CSE 4523Simulation and Modeling3.0
CSI 424Simulation & Modeling Laboratory1.0
CSI 447Multimedia Systems Design3.0CSE 4547Multimedia Systems Design3.0
CSI 448Multimedia Systems Design Laboratory1.0
CSE 427VLSI Design3.0CSE 4327VLSI Design3.0
CSE 428VLSI Design Laboratory1.0
CSE 471Advanced Object Oriented Programming3.0
CSE 472Advanced Object Oriented Programming Laboratory1.0
CSE 113Electrical Circuits3.0EEE 2113Electrical Circuits3.0
CSE 123Electronics3.0EEE 2123Electronics3.0
CSE 124Electronics Laboratory1.0EEE 2124Electronics Laboratory1.0
CSE 225Digital Logic Design3.0CSE 1325Digital Logic Design3.0
CSE 226Digital Logic Design Laboratory1.0CSE 1326Digital Logic Design Laboratory1.0
CSE 236Assembly Programming Laboratory1.0
CSE 313Computer Architecture3.0CSE 3313Computer Architecture3.0
CSE 315Data Communication3.0CSE 3715Data Communication3.0
CSE 323Computer Networks3.0CSE 3711Computer Networks3.0
CSE 324Computer Networks Laboratory1.0CSE 3711Computer Networks Laboratory1.0
CSE 429Digital System Design3.0CSE 4329Digital System Design3.0
CSE 430Digital System Design Laboratory1.0
CSE 425Microprocessor,  Microcontroller and Interfacing3.0CSE 4325Microprocessors and Microcontrollers3.0
CSE 426Microprocessor,  Microcontroller and Interfacing Laboratory1.0CSE 4326Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory1.0
CSE 453Optical Fiber Communication3.0
CSE 457Mobile Cellular Communication3.0CSE 4759Wireless and Cellular Communication3.0
CSE 461Wireless Communication3.0CSE 4759Wireless and Cellular Communication3.0
CSE 463E-Commerce3.0CSE 4763Electronic Business3.0
CSE 465Web Programming3.0CSE4165 Web Programming3.0
CSE 467Advanced DBMS3.0CSE 4567Advanced  Database  Management Systems3.0
CSE 469Project Management3.0PMG 4101Project Management3.0
CSE 473Advanced Network Services and Management3.0CSE 4773Advanced Network Services and Management3.0
CSE 475Mobile Computing3.0
CSE 477Network Security3.0CSE 4777Network Security3.0
CSE 479Embedded Systems3.0CSE 4379Real-time  Embedded  Systems3.0
CSE 481Mobile Application Development3.0CSE 4181Mobile Application Development3.0
CSE 483Digital Image Processing3.0CSE 4883Digital Image Processing3.0
CSE 485Game Design and Development3.0CSE 4485Game Design and Development3.0
CSE 487Cloud Computing3.0CSE 4587Cloud Computing3.0
CSE 489Machine Learning3.0CSE 4889Machine Learning3.0
CSE 491Data Mining3.0CSE 4891Data Mining3.0
CSE 493Introduction  to  Bioinformatics3.0CSE 4893to  Bioinformatics3.0
CSE 495Software Testing, Verification and Quality Assurance3.0CSE 4495Software Testing, Verification and Quality Assurance3.0
CSE 451Human Computer Interaction3.0CSE 4451Human Computer Interaction3.0
CSE 455Advanced Algorithms3.0CSE 4655Algorithm Engineering3.0
CSE 499Building a Tech Startup3.0TEC 2499Technology Entrepreneurship3.0

B. Sc. in CSE (Total 137 Credits), Trimester-wise Distribution of Courses [211 to onwards]

Trimester 1:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1ENG 1011English – I3.0
2BDS 1201History of the Emergence of Bangladesh2.0
3CSE 1110Introduction to Computer Systems1.0
4CSE 2213Discrete Mathematics3.0

Trimester 2:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1ENG 1013English – II3.0ENG 1011
2CSE 1111Structured Programming Language3.0CSE 1110
3CSE 1112Structured Programming Language Laboratory1.0CSE 1110
4MATH 1151Fundamental Calculus2.0

Trimester 3:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1MATH 2183Calculus and Linear Algebra3.0MATH 1151
2CSE 1325Digital Logic Design3.0
3CSE 1326Digital Logic Design Laboratory1.0
4CSE 1115Object Oriented Programming3.0CSE 1111
5CSE 1116Object Oriented Programming Laboratory1.0CSE 1112

Trimester 4:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1MATH 2201Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis3.0MATH 1151
2PHY 2105Physics3.0
3PHY 2106Physics Laboratory1.0
4CSE 2118Advanced Object Oriented Programming laboratory1.0CSE 1116
5EEE 2113Electrical Circuits3.0

Trimester 5:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1MATH 2205Probability and Statistics3.0MATH 1151
2SOC 2101Society, Environment and Engineering Ethics3.0
3CSE 2215Data Structure and Algorithms – I3.0CSE 1115
4CSE 2216Data Structure and Algorithms – I Laboratory1.0CSE 1116
5CSE 2233Theory of Computation3.0

Trimester 6:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1CSE 3313Computer Architecture3.0CSE 1325
2CSE 2217Data Structure and Algorithms – II3.0CSE 2215
3CSE 2218Data Structure and Algorithms – II Laboratory1.0CSE 2216
4EEE 2123Electronics3.0EEE 2113
5EEE 2124Electronics Laboratory1.0EEE 2113

Trimester 7:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1CSE 3521Database Management Systems3.0
2CSE 3522Database Management Systems Laboratory1.0
3CSE 3411System Analysis and Design3.0
4CSE 3412System Analysis and Design Laboratory1.0CSE 3411
5CSE 3811Artificial Intelligence3.0
6CSE 3812Artificial Intelligence Laboratory1.0

Trimester 8:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1CSE 4325Microprocessors and Microcontrollers3.0CSE 3313
2CSE 4326Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory1.0EEE 2124
3CSE 3421Software Engineering3.0CSE 3411
4CSE 3422Software Engineering Laboratory1.0CSE 3412
5CSE 3711Computer Networks3.0
6CSE 3712Computer Networks Laboratory1.0

Trimester 9:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1BIO 3105Biology for Engineers3.0
2GED OPT1General Education Optional-I3.0
4CSE ****Programming Optional3.0
CSE 4165Web ProgrammingCSE 2118
CSE 4181Mobile Application DevelopmentCSE 2118
5PMG 4101Project Management3.0CSE 3411

Trimester 10:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1GED OPT2General Education Optional-II3.0
Optional (Any two: 6 credits)
ECO 4101Economics
SOC 4101Introduction to Sociology
ACT 2111Financial and Managerial Accounting
IPE 3401Industrial and Operational Management
TEC 2499Technology Entrepreneurship
PSY 2101Psychology
BDS 2201Bangladesh Studies
BAN 2501Bangla
2CSE 4000AFinal Year Design Project – I2.0PMG 4101, SOC 2101
3CSE ****Elective – I3.0
(Any 5: (15 credits) at least 3 courses have to be completed from 1 area (see attachment)
iComputational Theory
iiNetwork and Communications
ivData Science
vSoftware Engineering
viiInformation and Communication Technology
4CSE 3509Operating Systems3.0
5CSE 3510Operating Systems Laboratory1.0

Trimester 11:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1GED OPT3General Education Optional – III3.0
Optional (Any two: 6 credits)
ECO 4101Economics
SOC 4101Introduction to Sociology
ACT 2111Financial and Managerial Accounting
IPE 3401Industrial and Operational Management
TEC 2499Technology Entrepreneurship
PSY 2101Psychology
BDS 2201Bangladesh Studies
BAN 2501Bangla
2CSE ****Elective – II3.0
3CSE ****Elective – III3.0
Any 5: (15 credits) at least 3 courses have to be completed from 1 area (see attachment)
iComputational Theory
iiNetwork and Communications
ivData Science
vSoftware Engineering
viiInformation and Communication Technology
4CSE 4000BFinal Year Design Project – II2.0CSE 4000A
5CSE 4531Computer Security3.0CSE 3711

Trimester 12:

SLCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HourPrerequisite
1CSE 4000CFinal Year Design Project – III2.0CSE 4000 B
2EEE 4261Green Computing3.0
3CSE ****Elective – IV3.0
4CSE ****Elective – V3.0
Any 5: (15 credits) at least 3 courses have to be completed from 1 area (see attachment)
iComputational Theory
iiNetwork and Communications
ivData Science
vSoftware Engineering
viiInformation and Communication Technology

Trimester Wise Distribution of Courses

TrimesterTheory Credits (Course)Lab Credits (Course)Total Credits
Trimester 18 (3)1 (1)9
Trimester 28 (3)1 (1)9
Trimester 39 (3)2 (2)11
Trimester 49 (3)2 (2)11
Trimester 512 (4)1 (1)13
Trimester 69 (3)2 (2)11
Trimester 79 (3)2 (2)11
Trimester 89 (3)3 (3)12
Trimester 912 (4)1 (1)13
Trimester 1011 (4)1 (1)12
Trimester 1114 (4)014
Trimester 1211 (3)011
Total121 (40)16 (16)137

Prerequisite Table

SLCourse CodeCourse TitlePrerequisite
1PMG 4101Project ManagementCSE 3411
2CSE 4165Web ProgrammingCSE 2118 (Advanced Object Oriented Programming Laboratory)
3CSE 4181Mobile Application DevelopmentCSE 2118 (Advanced Object Oriented Programming Laboratory)
4CSE 4621Computer GraphicsMath 2183: Calculus and Linear Algebra

Math 2201 Coordinate geometry and Vector Analysis
5CSE 4523Simulation and ModelingMath 2205: Statistics and Probability
6CSE 4889Machine LearningCSE 3811: Artificial Intelligence
7CSE 4891Data MiningCSE 3811: Artificial Intelligence
8CSE 4883Digital Image ProcessingCSE 4889: Machine Learning
9CSE 4495Software Testing, Verification and Quality AssuranceCSE 3421: Software Engineering
10CSE 4329Digital System DesignCSE 3313: Computer Architecture
11CSE 4633Basic Graph TheoryCSE 2217: DSA-2

CSE 2213: DM

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