Mr. Mohammad Mamun Elahi
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE
ROOM: 537 (1-3) A
PABX: 3104
Mohammad Mamun Elahi has obtained his B.Sc. in CSE from BUET in 1997 and joined the University of Asia Pacific as a Lecturer in 1997. He completed his M.Sc. in Computer Science from Wright State University, Ohio, USA and joined UIU as an Assistant Professor in 2005. He is currently pursuing his PhD in the field of Edge-enabled Vehicular Networks at Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST). Since the launching of Cisco Networking Academy at UIU in 2007 till date, he has been serving as the Legal Main Contact (LMC) and Curriculum Head of the academy. He is also working as the founder and director of Center for Emerging Networks and Technologies Research (CENTeR) established on June 2019 at UIU. Besides teaching, he had worked as local consultant in a number of projects and was involved in database designing, software development, and deployment. Some of the projects are National Water Resources Database (NWRD), Arsenic Decision Support System (ADSS), Soil and Land Resource Information System (SOLARIS) under Center for Environmental and Geographic Information System (CEGIS). He has also worked as a Technical Expert in FBCCI web portal development. His research interest includes resource allocation, Edge computing, vehicular networks, Internet services and protocols, network and cyber security etc.
- Assistant Professor (October 2005 – Present): In the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Founder & Director (June 2019 – Present), Center for Emerging Networks and Technologies Research (CENTeR), UIU.
- LMC & Curriculum Head (June 2007 – Present), Cisco Networking Academy, UIU.
- Assistant Professor (December 2003 – September 2005): In the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering of The University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Research Assistant (January 2001 – November 2003): In the department of CSE at Wright State University, Dayton, USA under supervision of Dr. Michael T. Cox in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Assistant Professor (October 1999 – December 2000): In the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering of The University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Consultant Programmer (February 1999 – September 1999): In Environmental and Geographic Information Services (EGIS) as local consultant (programmer).
- Lecturer (September 1997 – January1999): In the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of The University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Research Interest
- Smart Networks (Wireless Sensor Networks, Vehicular Networks)
- Network and Cybersecurity
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Edge/Fog Computing
- Federated Collaborative Networks
PhD in Computer Science, continuing, MIST, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
MS in Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OHIO, USA (2003).
- Thesis: “A Distributed Planning Approach Using Multi-agent Goal Transformations” – Creating an agent topology for a particular problem and domain in distributed multiagent planning Under the supervision of Dr. Michael T. Cox.
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh (1997).
- Thesis: “Cache Performance in Multiprocessor Environment” – Simulating and analyzing performance of multiprocessor cache by varying cache size, cache block size etc.. Programming Language – C Under the supervision of Dr. Shamsul Alam.
HSC, Dhaka College, 1990.
SSC, Engineering University School & College, 1988.
Graduate Courses
Advanced Network Services and Management
Cybersecurity Standards, Governance and Management
Ethical Hacking
Digital Forensics
Advanced Mobile Communication
Wireless Sensor Networks
Undergraduate Courses
Computer Networks
Data Communications
Network Security
Wireless Communication