Revised Advisor/Mentor List: Spring 2025
Publish Date : January 1, 2025
Feature Image for Revised Advisor/Mentor List: Spring 2025

United International University
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
BSc. in CSE ( BSCSE) and BSc. in Data Science (BSDS)
Revised Advisor/Mentor List: Spring 2025

The following is a list of Advisors/Mentors for Spring 2025; students of Undergraduate are advised to contact their respective mentors on a regular basis.

Please note that the department has to reallocate (revised Mentors list) of students to mentors due to leaving students and leaving of faculty members.

CSE Students Admitted in Fall 2024 Trimester

Faculty Name with DesignationContact Number & EmailStudent’s ID from                               to
Ms. Humaira Anzum Neha (HAN) LecturerRoom- 837B Mobile No- 01720064836       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430001 to 0112430065
Mr. M. Fahmin Rahman (MFRn) LecturerRoom- 837C Mobile No- 01704557290       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430066 to 0112430131
Mr. Redwanul Mahbub Talukder (RMT) LecturerRoom- 837C      Mobile No- 01315380033       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430132 to 0112430197
Md. Irfanur Rahman Rafio (IRR) LecturerRoom- 837 (D) Mobile No- 01552443807       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430198 to 0112430263
Mr. Shekh Md. Saifur Rahman (SMSR) LecturerRoom- 837 (D) Mobile No- 01303529289       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430264 to 0112430329
Mr. Shihab Ahmed (ShAhd) LecturerRoom- 319 (A) Mobile No- 01682233149       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430330 to 0112430395
Ms. Sidratul Tanzila Tasmi (STT) LecturerRoom- 319 (D) Mobile No- 01735944394       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430396 to 0112430461
Mr. Sherajul Arifin (ShArn) LecturerRoom-319 (C) Mobile No- 01747504514       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430462 to 0112430527
Mr. Mobaswirul Islam (MoIsm) LecturerRoom- 336 (D) Mobile No- 01886313963’s ID from 0112430528 to 0112430593
Mr. Abdullah Ibne Masud Mahi (AIMM) LecturerRoom- 919 (B) Mobile No- 01842939194       E-mail-’s ID from 0112430594 to 0112430659
Mr. Mahmudul Hasan (MahHsn) LecturerRoom- 0836 (A) Mobile No- 01914259744       E-mail-                         Student’s ID from 0112430660 to Rest of 243 Batch  

Data Science Students Admitted in Fall 2024 Trimester

Faculty Name with DesignationContact Number & EmailStudent’s ID from  to
Ms. Rubaiya Rahtin Khan (RRK)                                                Asst. Professor  Room- 435 (C) Mobile No- 01720425583 E-mail-’s ID from 0152430001 to 0152430030
Mr. Farhan Anan Himu (FAH) LecturerRoom- 536 Cell: 01794397694 Email:’s ID from 0152430031 to 0152430060
Ms. Tasmin Sanjida (TaSa) LecturerRoom- 419 Mobile No- 01627998299 E-mail-’s ID from 0152430061 to Rest of 243 Batch  

Data Science Students Admitted before Fall 2024 Trimester

Faculty Name with DesignationContact Number & EmailStudent’s ID from  to
Dr. Jannatun Noor Mukta (JNM) Associate Professor & Director – Data ScienceRoom- 412 Mobile No- 01911058877 E-mail-’s ID from 0152330001 to 0152330050 0152410001 to 0152410036
Student’s ID from 0152420001 to Rest of 242 Batch
Ms. Khushnur Binte Jahangir(KBJ) LecturerRoom- 336 Contact: 01688185250 E-mail:’s ID from 0152330101 to Rest of 233 Batch
Dr. Suman Ahmmed (SA) Associate Professor & Director – CDIPRoom- 1035 Mobile No- 01765 049901 E-mail-’s ID from 0152330051 to 0152330100 Student’s ID from 0152410037 to Rest of 241 Batch  

CSE Students Admitted before Fall 2024 Trimester

Faculty Name with DesignationContact Number & EmailStudent’s ID from  to
Dr. Hasan Sarwar (HS) Professor & Dean-School of Science & EngineeringRoom: 418 (A) Mobile No- 01715-050453, 01676-532254’s ID from 011211001 to 011211030 Student’s ID from 011221001 to 011221020
Dr. Mohammad Nurul Huda (MNH)                                             Professor & Head of the CSE Dept.Room- 412 Mobile No- 01673-476433 E-mail-’s ID from 011211031 to 011211060 Student’s ID from 011222001 to 011222030 Student’s ID from 011211061 to 011211090 Student’s ID from 011221021 to      011221040
Dr. Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun (KM)                                           Professor  & Director – IRIICRoom- 1012 Mobile No- 01776-534220 E-mail-’s ID from 011203001 to 011203025 Student’s ID from 011212001 to 011212050 Student’s ID from 011222031 to 011222060
Dr. A.K.M. Muzahidul Islam (AKMMI) ProfessorRoom- 633 E Mobile No- +8801630337170, 01754165915 E-mail-’s ID from 011202001 to 011202050 Student’s ID from 011203026 to 011203050 Student’s ID from 011222061 to 011222090
Dr. Md. Motaharul Islam (MdMIm) Professor & Director – MSCSE ProgramRoom- 418 (B) Mobile No-  01712644837 E-mail-’s ID from 011203051 to Rest of 203 Batch Student’s ID from 011212051 to 011212080 Student’s ID from 011222091 to 011222120
Dr. Al-Sakib Khan Pathan (ASKP) Professor                                    Room- 733 (B) Cell: +8801756084583 Email:’s ID from 011213011 to 011213020 Student’s ID from 011221041 to 011221080 Student’s ID from 011222151 to 011222180
Dr. Mohammad Shahriar Rahman (MdSR) Professor & Director – CITSRoom- 518 Cell: +8801742092172  Email:’s ID from 011193001 to 011193025 Student’s ID from 011212081 to 011212130 Student’s ID from 0112320031 to 0112320060
Dr. Md. Shohrab Hossain ProfessorRoom- 833 (C ) Mobile No- 01819250196 E-mail-   
Dr.  Muhammad Nomani Kabir (MNK) Associate Professor & Undergraduate Program CoordinatorRoom- 412 Mobile No- 01902800275 E-mail-’s ID from 011191049 to 011191075 Student’s ID from 011181072  to 011181100 Student’s ID from 011201421 to Rest of 201 Batch
Dr. Suman Ahmmed (SA) Associate Professor & Director – CDIPRoom- 1035 Mobile No- 01765 049901 E-mail-’s ID from 011212131 to Rest of 212 Batch Student’s ID from 0112320091 to 0112320120  
Dr. Jannatun Noor Mukta (JNM) Associate Professor & Director – Data ScienceRoom- 412 Mobile No- 01911058877 E-mail-’s ID from 011181101 to 011181204 Student’s ID from 011213001 to 011213010 Student’s ID from 011222121 to 011222150
Dr. Riasat Azim (RtAm) Asst. ProfessorRoom- 337 A Mobile No- 01796619200 E-mail-’s ID from 011182001 to 011182075 Student’s ID from 011193076 Rest of 193 Batch Student’s ID from 0112230093 to 0112230123
Dr. Ohidujjaman (Ojn) Asst. ProfessorRoom- 335 (C) Mobile No- 01798083444 E-mail-’s ID from 0112310001 to 0112310045 Student’s ID from 0112310181 to 0112310225 Student’s ID from 0112330063 to 0112330092 Student’s ID from 011181001 to 011181050 Student’s ID from 011213031 to 011213040 Student’s ID from 0112230001 to 0112230030 Student’s ID from 0112320061 to 0112320090
Mr. Mohammad Mamun Elahi (ME) Asst. Professor    Room- 537(A) Mobile No- 01914-001570,  01817-537872 E-mail-’s ID from 011192118 to Rest of 192 Batch Student’s ID from 011202166 to 011202233 Student’s ID from 0112230031 to 0112230061
Ms. Rubaiya Rahtin Khan (RRK)                                                Asst. Professor  Room- 435 (C) Mobile No- 01720425583 E-mail-  Student’s ID from 011181266 to Rest of 181 Batch Student’s ID from 011202051 to 011202103 Student’s ID from 0112230062 to 0112230092
Mr. Md. Benzir Ahmed  (MBAd) Asst. ProfessorRoom- 535 Mobile No- 01983-792928, 01788-786424 E-mail-’s ID from 011191199 to Rest of 191 Batch Student’s ID from 0112320121 to 0112320150 Student’s ID from 011211091 to Rest of 211 Batch Student’s ID from 011213021 to 011213030 Student’s ID from 0112320001 to 0112320030
Mr. Nahid Hossain (NHn) Asst. Professor & Undergraduate Program CoordinatorRoom- 418 (A) Contact: 01670424605 E-mail:’s ID from 011183051 to Rest of 183 Batch Student’s ID from 011201111 to 011201140 Student’s ID from 011192076 to 011192117
Ms. Sadia Islam (SaIs) Asst. Professor    Room- 536 Cell: 01688744226 Email:’s ID from 011221451 to 011221500 Student’s ID from 011193051 to 011193075 Student’s ID from 011213041 to 011213080 Student’s ID from 011221381 to 011221400
Mr. Mir Moynuddin Ahmed Shibly (MMAS) Asst. Professor  Room- 536 Cell: +8801521205754 Email:’s ID from 011221081 to 011221130 Student’s ID from 011221401 to 011221420 Student’s ID from 0112230730- to 0112230830
Ms. Khushnur Binte Jahangir (KBJ) LecturerRoom- 336 Contact: 01688185250 E-mail:’s ID from 0112330345 to 0112330407 Student’s ID from 0112310091 to 0112310135 Student’s ID from 011202234 to 011202280 Student’s ID from 011221351 to 011221380
Mr. Minhajul Bashir (MiBa) LecturerRoom- 319 (B) Mobile No- 01912-736131 E-mail:’s ID from 011191001 to 011191048 Student’s ID from 011201301 to 011201340 Student’s ID from 011181051 to 011181071 Student’s ID from 0112330975 to 0112331037
Mr. Shoib Ahmed Shourav (SAhSh) Lecturer  Room- 536 (B) Mobile No- 8801675490353 E-mail-’s ID from 011181205 to 011181265 Student’s ID from 011202104 to 011202165 Student’s ID from 0112410001 to 0112410050
Ms. Nabila Sabrin Sworna (NSS) Lecturer  Room- 419 (D) Cell: +8801911644209 Email:’s ID from 011191173 to 011191198 Student’s ID from 011221321 to 011221350 Student’s ID from 0112310363 to 0112310408
Mr. Farhan Anan Himu (FAH) Lecturer  Room: 536 Cell: 01794397694      Email:’s ID from 0112330723 to 0112330785  
Ms. Anika Tasnim Rodela (ATR) Lecturer  Room- 636 Cell: +8801987985082 Email:’s ID from 011201001 to 011201050 Student’s ID from 011221181 to 011221320
Mr. Md. Mohaiminul Islam (MoI) Lecturer  Room- 636 Cell: +8801843707534 Email:’s ID from 0112230831- to 0112230981
Mr. Fahim Hafiz (FaHa) LecturerRoom- 536 Cell: +8801618631299 Email:’s ID from 011183001 to 011183050 Student’s ID from 011201201 to 011201300 Student’s ID from 011201381 to 011201420 Student’s ID from 011213081 to 011213120
Mr. Md. Romizul Islam (MdRIm) LecturerRoom- 419 (B) Cell: 01798238205 Email:’s ID from 011182076 to Rest of 182 Batch Student’s ID from 011191076 to 011191150 Student’s ID from 011201051 to 011201080 Student’s ID from 011201141 to 011201200
Mr. Md. Tarek Hasan (MdTH) LecturerRoom- 319 Cell: 01772888601 Email: ID from 011222181 to rest of 222 Batch Students ID from 011221131 to 011221180
Mr. Samin Sharaf Somik (SSSk) Lecturer  Room- 919 Cell: 01580117550 Email:’s ID from 0112230427 to 0112230527 Student’s ID from 0112230528 to 0112230628
Mr. Rahad Khan  (RaK) LecturerRoom- 0719 Cell: +8801634319377 Email:’s ID from 0112310046 to 0112310090 Student’s ID from 0112310409 to 0112310454
Mr. Iftekharul Abedeen (IAb) LecturerRoom- 0636 Cell: +8801517006553 Email:’s ID from 0112310136 to 0112310180 Student’s ID from 011213161 to Rest of 213 Batch Student’s ID from 011213121 to 011213160
Mr. Kazi Abdun Noor (KAN) LecturerRoom- 0336 Cell: +8801867384434 Email:’s ID from 0112310272 to 0112310317 Student’s ID from 0112320201 to 0112320250
Md. Muhyminul Haque (MdMH) LecturerRoom- 0336 Cell: +8801789926815 Email:’s ID from 0112310318 to 0112310362 Student’s ID from 0112320251 to Rest of 232 Batch
Mr. Md. Shadman Aadeeb (MdShA) LecturerRoom- 719 D Mobile No- 01712299121 E-mail-’s ID from 011201081 to 011201110 Student’s ID from 0112230124 to 0112230224 Student’s ID from 0112230225 to 0112230325
Mr. Nusrat Jahan Tithi (NtJT)   LecturerRoom- 719 D Mobile No- 01521200375 E-mail-’s ID from 011221421 to 011221450 Student’s ID from 0112330156 to 0112330218 Student’s ID from 0112410152 to 0112410202
Ms. Umama Rahman (UR)                   LecturerRoom- 0635 Mobile No- 01799358591 E-mail-’s ID from 0112330001 to  0112330062 Student’s ID from 0112410051 to 0112410100
Mr. Abdullah Al Jobair (AAJr) LecturerRoom- 0636 Mobile No- 01688699375 E-mail-’s ID from 0112330093 to 0112330155 Student’s ID from 0112410101 to 0112410151
Mr. Fahmid Al Rifat (FdAR) LecturerRoom- 0219 Mobile No- +8801774550000’s ID from 0112330219 to 0112330281 Student’s ID from 0112410203 to 0112410253 Student’s ID from 011191151 to 011191172 Student’s ID from 011202281 to  Rest of 202 Batch Student’s ID from 0112230982- to rest of the 223 Batch
Mr. Sk. Md. Tauseef Tajwar (SMTT) LecturerRoom- 0319 Mobile No- +8801728569161’s ID from 0112330282 to 0112330344 Student’s ID from 0112410254 to 0112410304
Mr. Charles Aunkan Gomes (CAG) LecturerRoom- 0219 Mobile No- +8801770347232’s ID from 0112330408 to 0112330470 Student’s ID from 0112410305 to  0112410355
Mr. Md. Shafqat Talukder Rakin (MSTR) LecturerRoom- 0219 Mobile No- +8801926749123’s ID from 0112330471 to 0112330533 Student’s ID from 0112410356 to 0112410405
Mr. Md. Tamzid Hossain (TaHn) LecturerRoom- 0419 Mobile No- +8801540150469’s ID from 0112330534 to 0112330596 Student’s ID from 0112410406 to 0112410456
Mr. Asif Ahmed Utsa (AAU) LecturerRoom- 0419 Mobile No- +8801700545293’s ID from 0112330597 to 0112330659 Student’s ID from 0112410457 to 0112410506
Mr. Md. Tanvir Raihan (MTR) LecturerRoom- 0419 Mobile No- +8801643171903’s ID from 0112330660 to 0112330722 Student’s ID from 0112410507 to rest of 241 batch
Mr. Taki Yashir (TY) LecturerRoom- 0336 Mobile No- 01521555488 E-mail-’s ID from 0112330786 to 0112330848  
Mr. Md. Nafis Tahmid Akhand (MNTA) LecturerRoom- 0219 Mobile No- 01615341752’s ID from 0112330912 to 0112330974  
Mr. Md. Abid Hossain (AbHn) LecturerRoom- 0619 Mobile No- 01796992356’s ID from 0112331038 to 0112331100 Student’s ID from 011221501 to Rest of 221 Batch Student’s ID from 0112310501 to 0112310546
Ms. Asnuva Tanvin (AsTn) LecturerRoom- 0635 Mobile No- 01767981070’s ID from 0112331101 to rest of 233 batch  
Mr. Tahmid Mosaddeque (TaMo) LecturerRoom- 719(D) Mobile No- 016320370            E-mail-’s ID from 0112420001 to 0112420070 Student’s ID from 0112310226 to 0112310271 Student’s ID from 0112320151 to 0112320200 Student’s ID from 0112330849 to 0112330911
Ms. Tasmin Sanjida (TaSa) LecturerRoom- 419 Mobile No- 01627998299 E-mail-’s ID from 011193026 to 011193050 Student’s ID from 011201341 to 011201380 Student’s ID from 011192001 to 011192075
Ms. Rabeya Hossain (RHn) LecturerRoom- 836D Mobile No- 01975566338 E-mail-’s ID from 0112310455 to 0112310500 Student’s ID from 0112310547 to            Rest of 231 Batch 0112420212 to 0112420282  
Mr. Azizur Rahman Anik (ARnA) LecturerRoom- 836B Mobile No- 01954843608’s ID from 0112230629 to 0112230729 Student’s ID from 0112230326 to 0112230426 0112420283 to 0112420353
Mr. A.H.M. Osama Haque (AHMOH) LecturerRoom- 836C Mobile No- 01857715545’s ID from 0112420354 to 0112420424  
Mr. Abu Humayed Azim Fahmid (AHAF)  Room- 836B Mobile No- 01957142863’s ID from 0112420425 to 0112420494
Mr. Khandokar Md. Rahat Hossain (KMRH) LecturerRoom- 837 A Mobile No- 01552420536’s ID from 0112420495 to 0112420564
Mr. Noman Asif Aditya (NoAA) LecturerRoom- 836C Mobile No- 01727606702’s ID from 0112420565 to 0112420635
Ms. Nabila Tasfiha Rahman (NTR) LecturerRoom- 836D Mobile No- 01794896813’s ID from 0112420636 to rest of 242 batch students
Mr. Md. Mushfiqul Haque Omi (MHO) LecturerRoom- 837A Mobile No- 01759203694 E-mail-’s ID from 0112420071 to 0112420140
Mr. Tanmoy Bipro Das (TBD) LecturerRoom- 837D Mobile No- 01680332098 E-mail-’s ID from 0112420141 to 0112420211

Syda Nayma Zarin
Assistant Registrar, CSE