Course Offerings, Spring 2025 (BSCSE/BSDS)
Publish Date : December 30, 2024
Feature Image for Course Offerings, Spring 2025 (BSCSE/BSDS)

United International University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Course Offerings, Spring 2025 (BSCSE/BSDS)

Course CodeTitleCrPrerequisiteRemarks 
ENG 1011/ ENG 101English I3.00—————–4 digit from 211 batch 
ENG 1013/ ENG 103English II3.00ENG 1011 ENG 1014 digit from 211 batch 
General Education  Compulsory 
SOC 2101/ SOC 101Society, Technology and Engineering Ethics/ Society, Environment and Engineering Ethics3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
PMG 4101Project Management3.00CSE 3411From 183 batch 
BDS 1201History of the Emergence of Bangladesh2.00—————–From 211 batch 
General Education Optional 
ECO 213/ ECO 4101Economics3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
ACT 111/ ACT 2111Financial and Managerial Accounting3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
IPE 401/ IPE 3401Industrial Management/ Industrial and Operational Management3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
TEC 2499Technology Entrepreneurship3.00   
PSY 2101/ PSY 101Psychology3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
Basic Sciences  
PHY 2105/ PHY 105Physics3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
PHY 2106 /PHY 106Physics Lab1.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
BIO 3105Biology for Engineers3.0—————–From 183 batch 
MATH 1151/ MATH 151Fundamental Calculus/ Differential and Integral Calculus3.00—————– MATH 0034 digit from 183 batch 
MATH 2183/ MATH 183Calculus and Linear Algebra/ Linear Algebra, Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations3.00MATH 1151 MATH 003, MATH 1514 digit from 183 batch 
MATH 201/ MATH 2201Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis3.00MATH 151 MATH 11514 digit from 183 batch 
MATH 2205/ STAT 205Probability and Statistics3.00MATH 1151 —————–4 digit from 183 batch 
Other Engineering 
EEE 2113/ CSE 113Electrical Circuits3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
EEE 2123/ CSE 123Electronics3.00CSE 113/ EEE 21134 digit from 183 batch 
EEE 2124/ CSE 124Electronics Lab1.00CSE 113/ EEE 21134 digit from 183 batch 
EEE 4261Green Computing3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
Core Courses 
Programming Compulsory 
CSE 1110Introduction to Computer Systems1.00—————–From 183 batch 
CSE 1111/ CSI 121Structured Programming Language3.0CSE 1110 ————4 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 1112/ CSI 122Structured Programming Language Laboratory1.00CSE 1110 ————4 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 1115/ CSI 211Object Oriented Programming3.00CSE 1111 CSI 217 & CSI 2184 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 1116/ CSI 212Object Oriented Programming Lab1.00CSE 1112 CSI 217 & CSI 2184 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 2118/ CSI 124Advanced Object Oriented Programming Lab / Advanced Programming Lab1.00CSE 1116 CSI 121 & CSI 1224 digit from 183 batch   
Programming Optional 
CSE 4165Web Programming3.00CSE 2118, CSE 35214 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 4181Mobile Application Development3.00CSE 1115, CSE 21184 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 1325/ CSE 225Digital Logic Design3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 1326/ CSE 226Digital Logic Design Lab1.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 313/ CSE 3313Computer Architecture3.00CSE 225/CSE 226 CSE 1325/CSE 13264 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 425 / CSE 4325Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Interfacing/ Microprocessors and Microcontrollers3.00CSE 236 CSE 33134 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 426/ CSE 4326Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Interfacing Lab/ Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab.1.00CSE 236 EEE 21244 digit from 183 batch 
Logics and Algorithms 
CSE 2213/ CSI 219Discrete Mathematics3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 2215/ CSI 217Data Structure and Algorithms I/ Data Structure3.00CSE 1111,CSE 1115 CSI 121, CSI 1244 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 2216/ CSI 218Data Structure and Algorithms I Laboratory/ Data Structure Lab1.00CSE 1112, CSE 1116 CSI 122, CSI 1244 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 227 / CSE 2217Algorithms/ Data Structure and Algorithms II3.00CSI 217 CSE 22154 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 228 / CSE 2218Algorithms Lab./ Data Structure and Algorithms II Laboratory1.00CSI 218 CSE 22164 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 2233/ CSI 233Theory of Computation/ Theory of Computing3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
Software Engineering 
CSI 311 / CSE 3411System Analysis and Design3.00CSI 221/ CSE 35214 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 312 / CSE 3412System Analysis and Design Lab1.00CSI 222/ CSE 35224 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 321/ CSE 3421Software Engineering3.00CSI 311 CSE 34114 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 322/ CSE 3422Software Engineering Lab1.00CSI 312 CSE 34124 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 4531Computer Security3.00CSE 3711/CSE 3234 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 221/ CSE 3521Database Management Systems3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 222/ CSE 3522Database Management Systems Lab1.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 309/ CSE 4509Operating Systems Concept3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 310/ CSE 4510Operating Systems Concept Lab1.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 323/ CSE 3711Computer Networks3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSE 324 / CSE 3712Computer Networks Lab1.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 341/ CSE 3811Artificial Intelligence3.00CSI 227 —————–4 digit from 183 batch 
CSI 342/ CSE 3812Artificial Intelligence Lab1.00CSI 228 —————–4 digit from 183 batch     
Elective courses 
Computational Theory 
CSE 4633Basic Graph Theory3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4611Compiler Design3.00CSE 22334 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4621Computer Graphics3.00MATH 2201 CSE 22174 digit from 183 batch
Network and communications 
CSE 3715Data Communication3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4523Simulation and Modeling3.00MATH 22054 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4521Computer Graphics3.00MATH 2183, MATH 22014 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4587Cloud Computing3.00 4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4783Cryptography3.00 4 digit from 183 batch
Data Science 
CSE 4889Machine Learning3.00CSE 38114 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4891Data Mining3.00CSE 38114 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4893Introduction to Bioinformatics3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4883Digital Image Processing3.00MATH  21834 digit from 183 batch
Software Engineering 
CSE 4451Human Computer Interaction3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4435Software Architecture3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4165Web Programming3.00CSE 2118, CSE 35214 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4181Mobile Application Development3.00CSE 1115, CSE 21184 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4495Software Testing and Quality Assurance3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4329Digital System Design3.00CSE 33134 digit from 183 batch

Information and Communication Technology
CSE 4165Web Programming3.00CSE 2118, CSE 35214 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4181Mobile Application Development3.00CSE 1115, CSE 21184 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4587Cloud Computing3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4495Software Testing and Quality Assurance3.00CSE 34214 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4945UI: Concepts and Design3.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
Final Year Design Project
CSE 4000 AFinal Year Design Project – I2.00—————–4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4000 BFinal Year Design Project – II2.00CSE 4000 A4 digit from 183 batch
CSE 4000 CFinal Year Design Project – II2.00CSE 4000 A & CSE 4000 B4 digit from 183 batch

B.Sc. in Data Science (BSDS)

Course CodeTitleCreditsPrerequisiteRemarks
1st Trimester
DS 1501Programming for Data Science3.00—————–From 233 Batch
DS 1502Programming for Data Science Laboratory1.00—————–From 233 Batch
ENG 1011English I3.00—————–From 233 Batch
BDS 1201History of the Emergence of Bangladesh2.00—————–From 233 Batch
2nd Trimester
ENG 1013English – II3.00ENG 1011From 233 Batch
MATH 1151Fundamental Calculus/Differential and Integral Calculus3.00—————–From 233 Batch
DS 1115Object Oriented Programming for Data Science3.00DS 1501From 233 Batch
DS 1116Object Oriented Programming for Data Science Laboratory1.00DS 1501 &      DS 1502From 233 Batch
3rd Trimester
DS 1101Fundamentals of Data Science3.00—————–From 233 Batch
BIO 3107Biology3.00—————–From 233 Batch
MATH 2107Linear Algebra3.00—————–From 233 Batch
PHY 2105Physics3.00—————–From 233 Batch
PHY 2106Physics Lab1.00—————–From 233 Batch
4th Trimester
CSE 2215Data Structures and Algorithms I3.00—————–From 233 Batch
CSE 2216Data Structures and Algorithms – I Laboratory1.00—————–From 233 Batch
MATH 1153Advanced Calculus3.00—————–From 233 Batch
CSE 2213Discrete Mathematics3.00—————–From 233 Batch
Humanities Optional – I3.00 From 233 Batch
ACT 2111Financial and Managerial Accounting —————–From 233 Batch
ECO 4101Economics —————–From 233 Batch
IPE 3401Industrial and Operational Management —————–From 233 Batch
SOC 2102Society, Environment and Computing Ethics —————–From 233 Batch
PSY 2101Psychology —————–From 233 Batch
TEC 2499Technology Entrepreneurship —————–From 233 Batch
5th Trimester
CSE 2217Data Structures and Algorithms II3.00—————–From 233 Batch
CSE 2218Data Structures and Algorithms – II Laboratory1.00—————–From 233 Batch
MATH 2205Probability and Statistics3.00—————–From 233 Batch
DS 3885Data Wrangling3.00—————–From 233 Batch

The prerequisites of the courses may be changed where necessary.

Before taking any course (where needed), you will have to complete prerequisite course(s).

Deputy Registrar, CSE