Mr. Samin Sharaf Somik

Mr. Samin Sharaf Somik

Lecturer, Dept. of CSE

ROOM: 419 (D)

PABX: 3109



B.Sc. In Computer Science & Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Year: 2017-2022

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level (A-Level)
Maple Leaf International School
Year: 2015-2016

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (O-Level)
Maple Leaf International School
Year: 2013-2014

Honours and Awards

• The Daily Star Award for Outstanding Results in O-Levels & A-Levels.
• The Edexcel Award for Outstanding Results in O-Levels & A-Levels.
• World Highest Mark in Further Pure Mathematics in A-levels.
• World Highest Mark in Mathematics in O-levels.
• Country Highest Mark in Chemistry in A-levels.
• Country Highest Mark in Mathematics in A-levels.



CSE 1105: Introduction to Computer (EDS Dept) (Fall 22)
CSE 1111: Structured Programming Language (Summer 22, Summer 23, Spring 24)
CSE 1115: Object Oriented Programming (Summer 24)
CSE 2213: Discrete Mathematics (Fall 22, Spring 23, Fall 23)
CSE 2217: Data Structure and Algorithms – II (Summer 22)
CSE 2233: Theory of Computation (Fall 24 – Mid)
CSE 3421: Software Engineering (Spring 23, Summer 23, Fall 23, Spring 24, Summer 24, Fall 24)
URC 1103: Life Skills for Success (Fall 22)
SOC 2101: Society, Environment and Engineering Ethics (Summer 23 – Final)
EEE 2113: Electrical Circuits (Summer 24 – Mid)



CSE 1110: Introduction to Computer Systems (Summer 22, Fall 22, Fall 23, Spring 24)
CSE 1116: Object Oriented Programming Laboratory (Summer 24)
CSE 2118: Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Laboratory (Summer 22, Spring 23, Summer 23, Fall 23, Spring 24, Summer 24, Fall 24)
CSE 2216: Data Structures and Algorithms – I Laboratory (Fall 22, Summer 23)
CSE 3412: System Analysis and Design Laboratory (Summer 22, Fall 22, Spring 23)
CSE 3812: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Summer 24 – Final)
DS 1502: Programming for Data Science Laboratory (DS Dept) (Fall 24)


Room No: 419 (D)

Counselling Hours:
11.00 am – 12.30 pm, 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
Sunday:  11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Tuesday: 11.00 am – 12.30 pm, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Wednesday11.00 am – 12.30 pm, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm